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  1. The group's sights turned to Algeria, where the charismatic Black Panther leader, Eldridge Cleaver, had been welcomed after getting into trouble with the law in the US, and opened a branch of the ...

  2. 5 de may. de 1998 · May 04, 1998 - 18:00 EDT. El ex dirigente de los Panteras Negras Eldridge Cleaver falleció el pasado viernes a la edad de 62 años en el centro médico de Pomona Valley (California). Su familia ...

  3. Leroy Eldridge Cleaver (31 de agosto de 1935 – 1º de maio de 1998) foi um escritor estadunidense, ativista político e uma das lideranças iniciais do Partido dos Panteras Negras. [ 1 ] Em 1968, Cleaver escreveu Soul on Ice , uma reunião de ensaios que, à época do lançamento, foi elogiado pelo The New York Times Book Review como "brilhante e revelador". [ 2 ]

  4. Cleaver was born on August 31, 1935, in Wabbaseka, Arkansas. His family moved first to Phoenix and then to Los Angeles, where the teen-aged Cleaver began running into trouble with the law, with ...

  5. Eldridge Cleaver, Black Panther is an Algerian documentary film made in 1969 and directed by William Klein. The film covers Black Panther activist Eldridge Cleaver while exiled in Algeria. Cleaver moved to Algeria after the U.S. state of California tried to charge him with intent to murder.

  6. Eldridge Cleaver became one of the best-known Black Panthers. In 1958, he was imprisoned for assault with intent to kill, was paroled in 1966 and became senior editor for Ramparts magazine.

  7. Entretien avec Eldridge Cleaver, recueilli à Alger en 1970 (en bas de l’article). Entretien initialement publié dans Les Temps Modernes en mai 1970, en ligne sur le site InfoKiosques. Lettre ouverte d’Eldridge Cleaver à Stokely Carmichael, extraite du livre All Power to the People, Textes et discours des Black Panthers (Ed. Syllepse, 2016).