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  1. 24 de abr. de 2024 · Pietro Parolin; chiesa cattolica; libro; Parolin: sulle riforme del pontificato di Francesco nessuna inversione di marcia. Il cardinale segretario di Stato interviene alla presentazione del libro del vaticanista del Tg1 Ignazio Ingrao, “Cinque domande che agitano la Chiesa”, insieme al ministro della Cultura Sangiuliano.

  2. 14 de sept. de 2023 · By Martin Jarábek. Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin's trip to Slovakia, from 14 to 16 September, will include visits to four cities: Bratislava, Šaštín, Košice and Klokočov, and will coincide with three important anniversaries: the 30th anniversary of the renewal of diplomatic relations between the Slovak Republic and the Holy See; the 1,160th anniversary of the arrival of ...

  3. 15 de jul. de 2023 · Cardinal Pietro Parolin confers episcopal ordination on Msgr. Gian Luca Perici, appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Zambia and Malawi last month by Pope Francis, and in his homily notes that the bishop is to be a 'watchman' who keeps unity and hope alive among the people entrusted to him.

  4. 16 de nov. de 2023 · Wechsel in der Leitung einer möglichen Papstwahl: Kardinalstaatssekretär Pietro Parolin (68) könnte dem nächsten Konklave vorstehen. Der bisherige dafür bestimmte Kurienkardinal Leonardo Sandri fällt aus, da er 80 geworden ist. Nur Kardinäle unterhalb dieser Altersgrenze dürfen bei einer Papstwahl mit abstimmen, ohne Sandri sind es ...

  5. 12 de nov. de 2021 · ADDRESS OF HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL PIETRO PAROLIN SECRETARY OF STATE OF HIS HOLINESS AT THE POLICY DEBATE OF THE 41ST GENERAL CONFERENCE OF UNESCO. Paris, 12 November 2021 . Dear President of the General Conference, Dear Chairperson of the Executive Board, Dear Madame Director-General, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,

  6. Pietro Kardinal Parolin [ˈpjetro paroˈliŋ] (* 17. Januar 1955 in Schiavon , Provinz Vicenza , Italien ) ist ein römisch-katholischer Kurienkardinal , Diplomat des Heiligen Stuhls und seit Oktober 2013 amtierender Staatssekretär Seiner Heiligkeit (Kardinalstaatssekretär).

  7. 13 de nov. de 2021 · Intervention of the Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin at the 41st Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, 13.11.2021 The following is the intervention by His Eminence Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, Head of the Holy See Delegation, yesterday during the 41 st Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, taking place in Paris from 9 to 24 November 2021: