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  1. It was translated into te reo Māori by the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography team. Māui Wiremu Piti Naera Pōmare was one of the generation of Māori leaders educated at Te Aute College in the 1890s who were to assume positions of leadership in both the Māori and Pākehā worlds. His birthplace was Pāhau pā, Ōnaera, near Urenui, Taranaki.

  2. Date: 1788 By: Sainson, Louis Auguste de, 1800-; Brodtmann, Karl Joseph, 1787-1862 Reference: A-464-033 Description: Shows vignettes of three Maori whare, one in Tolaga Bay on the East Coast, and two in the Bay of Islands. The latter two have decorative carving around the windows and doors and on the maihi, or diagonal bargeboards. The hut is unadorned The chieftan Pomare could refer to Pomare ...

  3. Pōmare IV. Pōmare IV ( 28 de febrer del 1813 - 17 de setembre del 1877 ), coneguda com la reina Pōmare o la reina de Tahití, fou una monarca del Regne de Tahití entre 1827 i 1877 . Coneguda amb el nom d' ’Aimata Pōmare IV Vahine-o-Punuateraʻitua, succeí el seu germà per part de pare, Pōmare III a l'edat de 14 anys, després de la ...

  4. 10 de abr. de 2024 · About Pōmare I. Pōmare, originally named Whētoi, the son of Puhi of Ngāti Manu, was born in the latter part of the eighteenth century. He was connected by descent to Ngāpuhi hapū Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Rāhiri and Ngāti Hine, and to the independent tribe Ngāti Wai. In October 1814 Samuel Marsden, the chaplain of New South Wales, told Bay ...

  5. Pōmare II es casà el 1797 amb la reina de Papeari Tetua-nui Taro-vahine, que morí a ’Arue el 21 de juliol de 1806 sense fills. La seva mare Itia va organitzar un casament polític amb Teriitaria, la filla gran del cap de Raiatea. Però la núvia va arribar uns dies tard i Pōmare ja s'havia casat amb la germana petita de la núvia.

  6. POMARE I, Whetoi or Whiria. Also known as Pomarenui ( c. 1760–1826). Ngapuhi chief. A new biography of Pomare I appears in the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography on this site. Very little is known of Whetoi's early life, except that he had reached the peak of his fame as a fighting chief by the time Kendall arrived at the Bay of Islands.

  7. Reino de Tahití. /  -17.53333333, -149.56666667. El Reino de Tahití 1 fue fundado por el jefe supremo Pōmare I, quien, en ayuda de los misioneros ingleses y los comerciantes, unificó las islas de Tahití, Moorea, Tetiaroa y Mehetia; 2 en su punto álgido, llegó a incluir también las del archipiélago Tuamotu, Tubuai y Raivavae, así ...