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  1. 23 de dic. de 2022 · 1st downとは; CATEGORY. インタビュー Interview; コラム Column; 連載 Story; 就活転職情報 Career; OTHER. 大学リンク集; 運営企業; 1stdownに関するお問い合わせ; 企業の方のお問い合わせ

  2. 22 de jun. de 2023 · A: In football, a down is a chance for the offensive team to try to move the ball forward towards the opponent’s end zone. Each play is composed of four downs, and the team must either score or move the ball at least 10 yards within those four downs to earn a new set of downs.

  3. We are united in supporting a vision for Downtown Jacksonville that includes: Drawing inspiration from Jacksonville’s lush landscapes—a network of biking and walking trails, parklands, greenways, beaches and marshes—the striking design captures the essence of Florida. Fans will enter through a subtropical Floridian park, leading them to ...

  4. Kevin Hull. West Baltimore Upnexxt Ravens. “FirstDown PlayBook is an easy-to-use, innovative website that allows me to prepare my athletes for success. When game planning for opponents, FirstDown PlayBook allows me to put my defensive thoughts into a user-friendly interface that keeps my team up to date with the latest technology.”.

  5. QBはパスの際に、プレーが始まった位置より後ろからボールを投げます。後ろに下がったQBをタックルで止めることができれば、1st downをより更新させづらくなります。ディフェンスラインが一番目立つビッグプレーです! まとめ

  6. 11 de jun. de 2023 · The first down is the part of a down cycle that consists of four downs. The goal of the attacking teams is for them to hit 10 yards and hit another 1st down marker. Downs that follow the cycle include the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th downs. If the attacking team cannot bring the ball far enough to the line after four attempts, they will lose the ball to ...

  7. 26 de dic. de 2023 · 2023年12月16日に関東2部リーグの成蹊大学との入替戦に臨んだ専修大学グリーンマシン。. 惜しくも入れ替え戦では敗れる結果となりましたが、1次リーグでは昨季1位の横浜国立大学、2次リーグでは今季1位の桜美林大学に勝利しチームとしての強さを見せまし ...