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  1. 4 de abr. de 2023 · Au cours d’une escale à New Providence, le couple rencontre une autre pirate célèbre : Mary Read, qui elle aussi se déguise en homme et se fait appeler Willy Read.Anne et Mary entame alors une liaison, ce qui ne plaît guère à Jack Rackham, qui menace de trancher la gorge de Mary.Les deux femmes restent inséparables et vivent comme un couple, s’habillant indifféremment en homme ou ...

  2. Rackham, Vane, Gates and Flint hold a meeting in the Tavern overseen by Eleanor.As the quartermasters begin negotiating, Flint immediately interrupts and demands recompense for the deaths of Mosiah and Levi.After Gates pulls Flint aside twice to order him to behave, he and Rackham haggle and eventually come to terms for the Ranger to serve as consort. . However, after all is done Jack demands ...

  3. John Rackham (Bristol, 21 dicembre 1682 – Santiago de la Vega, 18 novembre 1720) è stato un pirata britannico che operò nel Mar dei Caraibi nella cosiddetta età d'oro della pirateria. Conosciuto come Calico Jack, è noto per il suo Jolly Roger, che consisteva in un teschio con due sciabole incrociate sotto. Il suo nome derivava dal tessuto calicò degli abiti che era solito indossare e ...

  4. No eras un gran amigo, Jack Rackham. Tampoco un buen marinero. Pero eras raro y animado, y me hiciste reír más de una vez. Y eso es suficiente como para sentir lástima al verte así. Espero que encuentres la paz al fin, ahí abajo, entre los muertos.Edward Kenway al ver el cadáver de Jack Rackham John "Jack" Rackham (1682 – 1720), apodado Jack Calicó, fue un pirata jamaicano que operó ...

  5. Rackham commanded William, a small but fast twelve-ton sloop during the action. Her armament was light, consisting of at least four cannons, and at the time of battle carried a crew of fourteen including Rackham and the pirates Mary Read and Anne Bonny. Calico Jack was originally a pirate under Captain Charles Vane, but

  6. Jack Rackham, best known by his nickname, “Calico Jack,” began his career as quartermaster for Charles Vane. He operated independently from 1718 to 1720 with moderate success. Today, his is most remembered not for his exploits, but for having the famous female pirate duo, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, as part of his crew, and for having the ...

  7. 15 de may. de 2019 · Opdateret den 15. maj 2019. John "Calico Jack" Rackham (26. december 1682 – 18. november 1720) var en pirat, der sejlede i Caribien og ud for USA's sydøstlige kyst under den såkaldte "Golden Age of Piracy" (1650- 1725). Rackham var ikke en af de mere succesrige pirater, og de fleste af hans ofre var fiskere og letbevæbnede handlende.