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  1. 11 de may. de 2020 · Episode 45. One of the most controversial and complex Catholics of the 20th century, Dorothy Day went through a phase of atheism, she had an abortion, and a daughter, and she eventually found love in Christ and became a devout Catholic. With Peter Maurin she co-founded the Catholic Worker Movement and worked tirelessly for the disadvantaged.

  2. 24 de jun. de 2023 · Dorothy Day nació en Bath Beach, Brooklyn, en 1897, en el seno de una modesta familia de periodistas. A lo largo de su vida, se desencadenaron acontecimientos que provocaron en ella una tenaz búsqueda personal, a la vez que accidentada, de la autenticidad y de la verdad. Lo que se reflejó en una vida llena de idealismo que no era palabrería ...

  3. Dorothy Day. Dorothy Day (* 8.November 1897 in Brooklyn, New York; † 29. November 1980 in New York) war eine US-amerikanische christliche Sozialistin und Journalistin.. Drei Jahre nach ihrem Tod wurde ihre Seligsprechung vorgeschlagen. Im Jahre 2000 bevollmächtigte Papst Johannes Paul II. das Erzbistum New York, das Seligsprechungsverfahren zu eröffnen.

  4. 28 de oct. de 2017 · Encore peu connue en France, Dorothy Day (1897-1980) est une figure majeure de la société civile américaine et du catholicisme social. Journaliste socialiste, elle se convertit au Christ et cherche un moyen de mettre en pratique l’Évangile auprès des plus défavorisés. Sa rencontre avec Pierre Maurin, un paysan français et vagabond, la ...

  5. Dorothy Day is one of the most influential American figures of the 20th century. Through the Catholic Worker Movement, a collection of communities dedicated ...

  6. Follow Dorothy Day’s journey from a young communist journalist, to a Catholic convert, to the co-founder of The Catholic Worker newspaper and the first “houses of hospitality,” which ...

  7. 6 de abr. de 2020 · The Federal Bureau of Investigation didn’t know what to do about Dorothy Day. It was 1941, and Director J. Edgar Hoover was concerned about Day’s onetime communism, sometime socialism, and all ...