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  1. In the history of French classicism Philippe Quinault is unique: there is no other author (including Racine, Moliere, and Corneille) whose plays were performed so frequently and who was remunerated so generously during the classical period. This book which fills a void in the study of classical drama, is equally unique: the first in English on Quinault and the first comprehensive study in any ...

  2. Thésée es una tragedia lírica en un prólogo y cinco actos con música de Jean-Baptiste Lully y libreto en francés de Philippe Quinault, basado en Las metamorfosis de Ovidio. Se estrenó en la corte de Saint Germain-en-Laye, el 11 de enero de 1675.

  3. Lully’s Armide was his last tragédie en musique, staged a few months before a deadly accident with his conducting staff.Armide is the crowning achievement of his collaborations with librettist Philippe Quinault and remains famous for its intoxicating passacaille and beautiful recitatives. In 1983, Philippe Herreweghe gave the very first recording of this Baroque masterpiece in his first ...

  4. Today’s concert takes its point of departure from Tasso’s epic La Gerusalemme liberata: from its tales of Erminia amongst the shepherds, and her tears over what she believes to be the body of Tancredi; the pagan warrior Clorinda, who saves the Christians Sofronia and Olindo, about to be burnt at the stake; the maga Armida, who came upon the sleeping knight Rinaldo in her enchanted garden ...

  5. Philippe Quinault (París, 3 de junio de 1635 - 26 de noviembre de 1688), fue un poeta francés, dedicado tanto al teatro hablado como cantado y especialmente conocido como libretista y asistente de Jean-Baptiste Lully. Junto al compositor, contribuyó a la causa de la ópera francesa en su rivalidad con el estilo italiano.

  6. 27 de ene. de 2019 · 113. Amadis (Lully) Prologue. Tragédie. For the first time, French opera leaves the world of the Greek heroes and gods, for mediaeval romance. Amadis, like all good heroes of chivalry, is separated from his parents at birth, raised in secrecy, tutored by a good wizard, devoted to a beautiful princess, and goes mad.

  7. Philippe Quinault, (París, 1635 - 1688) Dramaturgo francés. De modesto origen social, su padre, panadero, lo colocó como criado del poeta Tristan l´Hermite, quien, asombrado por la aptitudes de Quinault, se encargó de su educación. Biografía.