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  1. 12 de mar. de 2021 · Le Vite di Giorgio Vasari e la loro importanza storiografica. Le Vite sono uno dei capisaldi della letteratura storico artistica.Sono state pubblicate in due edizioni, una del 1550 (presso l’editore Torrentini, ragion per cui la prima edizione è nota come “torrentiniana”) e un’altra, ampliata, del 1568 (editore Giunti, ed edizione pertanto nota come “giuntina”).

  2. Nacido en 1511 en Arezzo, Florencia, Vasari se convirtió en un renombrado historiador del arte y en un artista destacado en su época. Su contribución al entendimiento del Renacimiento italiano es invaluable, y su legado sigue siendo relevante en la actualidad. “El arte es la expresión de la belleza y la creatividad humana, y el ...

  3. Giorgio Vasari (30 juillet 1511 à Arezzo - 27 juin 1574 à Florence) est un peintre, architecte et écrivain toscan. Son recueil biographique Les Vies des meilleurs peintres, sculpteurs et architectes, particulièrement sa seconde édition de 1568, est considérée comme une des publications fondatrices de l'histoire de l'art.

  4. 16 de ago. de 2020 · Born in Arezzo, Tuscany, in 1511, Giorgio Vasari was a versatile artist. Painter, architect, art collector, writer and historian, Vasari is primarily acknowledged today as the author of 'The Lives of the Most Celebrated Painters, Sculptors and Architects'. A foundational book of art history; it has acted as the prototype for all biographies of artists.

  5. Giorgio Vasari was an Italian painter, architect, engineer, writer, and historian, best known for his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, considered the ideological foundation of art-historical writing, and the basis for biographies of several Renaissance artists, including Leonardo da Vinci.

  6. 乔尔乔·瓦萨里(Giorgio Vasari,1511——1574)是米开朗基罗的朋友,文艺复兴时期意大利艺术理论家。主要作品有《艺苑名人传》(又名《大艺术家传》)等。

  7. 23 de jun. de 2024 · Giorgio Vasari (born July 30, 1511, Arezzo [Italy]—died June 27, 1574, Florence) was an Italian painter, architect, and writer who is best known for his important biographies of Italian Renaissance artists.. When still a child, Vasari was the pupil of Guglielmo de Marcillat, but his decisive training was in Florence, where he enjoyed the friendship and patronage of the Medici family, trained ...