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  1. Alois Brunner was a key operative of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and was responsible for the deportation of Jewish people from Austria (47,000), Greece (44,000), France (23,500), and Slovakia (14,000) to Nazi death camps during the Holocaust.. Last seen in 2001, it remained unknown whether Brunner was still alive until his death was confirmed in December 2014 by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

  2. 11 de ene. de 2017 · 11 January 2017. AP. Brunner (pictured) was right-hand man to the Gestapo's 'technician of death' Adolf Eichmann. One of the world's most wanted Nazi war criminals died in 2001 aged 89 after ...

  3. 2 de dic. de 2014 · Alois Brunner. Photo non datée. AFP PHOTO -- / AFP. Il sera donc mort impuni. L’ancien adjoint d’Adolf Eichmann, Aloïs Brunner, responsable de la mort de près de cent vingt-huit mille juifs ...

  4. Alois Brunner (født 8. april 1912, død ca. 2010) var Adolf Eichmanns assistent og Eichmann nævnte Brunner som sin "bedste mand." Som chef for Drancy internering lejr uden for Paris fra juni 1943 til august 1944 var Alois Brunner ansvarlig for at sende 140.000 europæiske jøder til gaskamrene.

  5. 11 de ene. de 2017 · Alois Brunner, il criminale di guerra nazista più ricercato dal 1945, due volte condannato a morte in Francia negli anni cinquanta e giudicato responsabile dello sterminio di più di 135mila ebrei, è morto a Damasco nel dicembre 2001 a 89 anni, afferma la rivista XXI in un’inchiesta esclusiva che uscirà l’11 gennaio in Francia e il 13 gennaio in Italia pubblicata da Internazionale.

  6. Alois Brunner (Nádkút, 8 april 1912 - waarschijnlijk Damascus, december 2001) was een Oostenrijks oorlogsmisdadiger.. Op negentienjarige leeftijd werd hij lid van de Nationaalsocialistische Duitse Arbeiderspartij en de SA.Omdat de NSDAP verboden was, verloor hij zijn baan bij een warenhuis. Later werd hij ook lid van de SS.. In 1938 leerde hij Adolf Eichmann kennen en werd zijn assistent.

  7. Alois Brunner, son of a Burgenland farmer, was born on 8 April 1912 in what was then Hungary. After finishing his primary and secondary education he completed a commercial apprenticeship in Fürstenfeld. However, by his own admission he lost his job after joining the Nazi Party and the SA in 1931.