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  1. Hace 5 horas · Omaha-born human rights leader Malcolm X became the first Black person inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame.

  2. Hace 4 horas · Omaha native Malcolm X — an icon of the American civil rights movement — became the first Black person to be inducted into the Nebraska Hall of Fame.

  3. Hace 4 horas · Millones de vietnamita­s muertos. Y familias norteameri­canas destrozada­s. Lyndon Johnson abandona el cargo y muere al cabo de poco. Son historias que nos hablan de cautela, y espero que podamos aprender algo, no hace falta repetir los mismos errores, evitemos este tipo de tragedias. Pues ahora el mundo se rearma.

  4. Hace 1 día · Events. DIY Punk Rock label Dischord Records was founded by key figure in the development of hardcore punk Ian Mackaye. Ian Curtis, Joy Division lead singer, commits suicide 18 May 1980 at age 23. The rest of the band become New Order. Malcolm Owen, the Ruts lead singer, dies of a heroin overdose 14 July 1980 at age 26.