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  1. Hace 20 horas · Pope Alexander VI (born Rodrigo de Borja; 1 January 1431 – 18 August 1503) (epithet: Valentinus ("The Valencian")) was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 11 August 1492 until his death in 1503. Born into the prominent Borgia family in Xàtiva in the Kingdom of Valencia under the Crown of Aragon (now Spain), Rodrigo studied law at the University of Bologna.

  2. Hace 20 horas · 1492: Das heutige Sterbedatum von Papst Innozenz VIII. wird von Girolamo Savonarola korrekt vorhergesagt, was dem charismatischen Bußprediger weiteren Zulauf in der Florentiner Bevölkerung verschafft. 1968: Mit der Enzyklika Humanae vitae bekräftigt Papst Paul VI. die Lehre seiner Vorgänger, ...

  3. › Museo_di_San_MarcoMuseo di San Marco

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