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  1. Hace 9 horas · La Atlántida está en la profundidad abisal, pero la erupción cutánea provocada por la Púrpura pertenece a la superficie. En MMV lo arrojado a la basura sobrevuela lo que permanece en la página. En este sentido, la poesía de MMV es una sospecha. «Luego a la dolorosa tarea de unificar», que decía Eliot.

  2. Hace 9 horas · Title: A Barrel of Laughs, a Vale of Tears Author: Jules Feiffer Major Themes: Quests, Fantasy Synopsis: Prince Roger makes people laugh too much, so he is sent on a quest in the hopes that he will come back more level-headed. I was intrigued, when A Barrel of Laughs, a Vale of Tears first arrived at our house, to read the back cover copy and see that one of the reviews said that it would ...

  3. Hace 9 horas · As Ash Watson references here, it was a distributed team effort which eventually concluded this actually goes back to the german romantic poet Novalis from the late 1700s, in contrast to a tendency to attribute it to C Wright Mills (by sociologists) or T.S. Eliot and Russian formalists (by many literary scholars).

  4. Winston Churchill Received the First Ever Letter Containing “O.M.G.” (1917) in English Language, History | June 7th, 2024 Leave a Comment. Win­ston Churchill is one of those pre­pos­ter­ous­ly out­sized his­tor­i­cal fig­ures who seemed to be in the mid­dle of every major event. Even before, as Prime Min­is­ter, he steeled the ...

  5. Hace 9 horas · A neve começou a cair à meia-noite. E não há dúvidade que o melhor para o homem é estar sentado na cozinha,ainda que seja a da insônia.Ali faz calor, preparas-te algo, bebes vinhoe contemplas pela vidraça a eternidade familiar.Por que te angustiarias querendo saber se nascimento e morte são apenas dois pontos,sabendo que a vida…

  6. Hace 9 horas · Friday Five, Unexpected Gifts, Flowers, Greenhouse Visits, Irish Sandwich, Current Reading Pile from the Library

  7. Hace 9 horas · Loomingulise meeskonna moodustasid režissööri assistent PJ Voeten, režissööri teine assistent ja kaskadööritrikkide koordinaator Guy Norris, operaator Simon Duggan (“Hacksaw Ridge’i lahing”, “Suur Gatsby”), helilooja Tom Holkenborg, helidisainer Robert Mackenzie, monteerija Eliot Knapman, visuaalefektide looja Andrew Jackson ja kunstnik Eric Whipp.