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  1. Hace 2 días · L’actriu Angelina Jolie, d’ascendència jueva, va decidir sotmetre’s fa 11 anys a una doble mastectomia al saber-se coneixedora de la mutació ... El nom BRCA prové de les dues primeres lletres de breast cancer, càncer de mama en anglès. Hi ha dos tipus de gens BRCA, el BRCA1 i el BRCA2, i tots dos inhibeixen els tumors ...

  2. Hace 11 horas · Named for the first two letters of "breast" and "cancer," a positive result would place my odds of developing breast cancer at 87%. ... It would be years before Angelina Jolie would make "prophylactic double mastectomy" a household phrase by writing an opinion piece in "The New York Times" about her choice to have the same procedure.

  3. Hace 1 día · In 2013, Angelina revealed she tested positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation, which increased her risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, conditions that had affected her mother.

  4. Hace 1 día · On March 24, 39-year-old Oscar-winning actress and filmmaker Angelina Jolie Pitt published a story in The New York Times in which she detailed her recent laparoscopic. Skip to content. Does Angelina take HRT? ... Following surgeries to prevent cancer earlier this year, Angelina Jolie has revealed she is now experiencing early ...

  5. Hace 11 horas · >> PHOTOS - De Kylie Minogue à Angelina Jolie, ces stars ont raconté leur lutte contre le cancer du sein. Claudia Tagbo face au cancer du sein : ses rares confidences sur le soutien de son compagnon

  6. Hace 2 días · Hasta ahora se sabía que esta mutación era mucho más común, por ejemplo, en la comunidad judía asquenazí: tienen un 1% de posibilida­des de poseerla. La actriz Angelina Jolie, de ascendenci­a judía, decidió someterse hace 11 años a una doble mastectomí­a al saberse conocedora de la mutación del BRCA1.

  7. Hace 3 días · Note: This report includes details about a developing news story. Information was, as far as possible, correct at the time of publication but may change rapidly. A video of US actor Angelina Jolie has been posted online, claiming to show her criticising world leaders for their “ complicity in the crimes in Gaza”.. The award-winning actor is also known for her humanitarian work around the ...