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  1. Hace 12 horas · Jet lag is a physical disease that happens when the body's internal clock gets thrown off by a new time zone. Jet Lag Treatment is used to prevent jet lag and nip its sleepy symptoms in the bud. A ...

  2. Hace 3 horas · 現役の頃は、「時差」ボケ(jet lag)には、縁がなく、jet-setterとしてあちこちを飛び回っていましたが、今は駄目ですね。 時差とは、私の様に、元来、睡眠時間が少ない人には、あまり関係がなく、飛行機に乗って数時間眠れば、どこの地域にも合わせられました。

  3. Hace 1 día · Policia greke ka arrestuar tre shqiptarë në Athinë në një operacion anti-drogë. Të arrestuarit janë akuzuar për shitje të lëndëve narkotike, përfshirë hashash dhe kokainë. Sipas raportimeve, 43-vjeçari Arjel Tafilaj është identifikuar si drejtuesi i grupit kriminal.

  4. Hace 14 horas · India's athletes are incorporating sleep therapy to boost their chances of Olympic success in Paris. Sleep therapist Monika Sharma, who emphasizes the importance of sleep for cognitive and physical recovery, has created tailored sleep schedules and strategies to combat issues like jet-lag. Indian athletes are optimistic about the new initiative.

  5. Hace 3 horas · Die Zweitligasaison 2024/25 startet eine Woche später. Am Samstag, den 3. August, um 13 Uhr empfangen die Roten den SSV Jahn Regensburg in der Heinz-von-Heiden-Arena. Termine. 26.07.2024 ab 15:00 Uhr. Termin speichern. Ort. Im neuen Gewand und mit tollen Musik-Acts: Hannover 96 lädt am 26. Juli zur Saisoneröffnungsfeier auf den Nordvorplatz ...

  6. Hace 1 día · Aumenta il tuo metabolismo. Camminare è un ottimo modo per bruciare calorie. Gli esperti spiegano: «Le passeggiate straordinarie aumenteranno il tuo metabolismo, il che significa che il tuo ...

  7. Hace 1 día · A jetlag a hosszabb távú repülőutak tipikus kísérőjelensége, amikor az utazó legalább 3 időzónán halad keresztül. A letargia mellett komolyabb fizikai tünetek is jelentkezhetnek.