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  1. Hace 9 horas · The Mossad is said to have actively sought leverage and compromising information on the prosecutor and her family, as well as attempting to smear Bensouda’s husband through diplomatic channels. Someone also spied on her husband and secretly recorded his conversations – but it is unclear whether the Mossad itself was behind the operation or whether the material was simply accessed.

  2. Hace 9 horas · “Se Israele fosse la democrazia che dice di essere, gli israeliani avrebbero saputo molto prima dell’inchiesta del Guardian che il Mossad stava facendo pressioni sulla Corte penale ...

  3. Hace 1 día · Tamir Pardo, who served as director of the Mossad between 2011 and 2016, has told the newspaper that he did not believe any Mossad employee “would do things of the type described,” adding that ...

  4. Hace 9 horas · Il Museo ebraico Amsterdam e il Museo nazionale dell’Olocausto olandese hanno inaugurato giovedì la mostra ‘Looted, storie personali sul saccheggio e la restituzione dei beni culturali ebraici’ che rimarrà aperta fino al 27 ottobre. Oggetti, opere d’arte, foto, documenti personali, estratti di film, audio e interviste con i discendenti danno vita a otto storie di […]

  5. Hace 1 día · History Ancient relations. Excavation at Tel Megiddo shows evidences of Indo-Mediterranean trade relations from mid second millennium BCE between south Asia and southern Levant as they prove presence of turmeric, banana, sesame, all originating from south Asia. Geographical analysis of Israel suggests that the authors of Old Testament were talking about India, where the trade of animals such ...

  6. Hace 9 horas · (法新社德黑蘭2日電) 瑞典情報機構日前指稱伊朗在瑞典境內,「利用犯罪網絡」攻擊以色列與其利益。而在瑞典安全局宣布上述消息前不久,瑞典報紙「每日新聞」(Dagens Nyheter)援引以色列情報機構「摩薩德」(Mossad)的文件指出,兩個瑞典犯罪集團的領袖已被伊朗政權招募。

  7. Hace 1 día · Säpo har bekräftat att Iran använder svenska gäng som ombud. Det här vet vi om vad som framkommit. Under torsdagen rapporterade flera medier, bland annat DN och Jerusalem Post, om uppgifter från Mossad att Iran anlitar kriminella nätverk från Sverige för att angripa israeliska mål i Stockholm. De påstås ha använt både ...