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  1. Marsden formed the group in 1956 with his brother Fred, Les Chadwick, and Arthur McMahon. At the time, Gerry had been working for British Rail as a deliveryman. They rivalled the Beatles early in their career, playing in the same areas of Liverpool. McMahon (known as Arthur Mack) was replaced on piano by Les Maguire around 1961.

  2. 12 de oct. de 2020 · ARTHUR Mack, fondly known as the Old Man of the Sea, was born into a world of poverty and hardship, surviving the Blitz attacks during the Second World War. By the age of seven he was...

  3. On the 5th May 1979 local fisherman Arthur Mack was trawling along Horse tail Sands with his friend Melvin Goften when they snagged their nets. When they finally manged to retrieve the net it was badly damaged and tangled up inside was a large timber with treenails and concreted iron bolts.

  4. 1 de abr. de 2023 · She was discovered by a local Portsmouth fisherman – Arthur Mack. From the age of seven Arthur had missed out on learning to read and write at school and worked to support his family during the Great Depression of the 1930s instead.

  5. Weitere Mitglieder der Band wurden der Pianist Arthur Mack, der schon kurze Zeit später durch Les Maguire (* 27. Dezember 1941) ersetzt wurde, und der Bassgitarrist Les Chadwick (eigentlich John Leslie Chadwick; * 11. Mai 1943; † 26. Dezember 2019).

  6. Arthur Thomas Mack. 1934-2023. Arthur at the helm of his beloved fishing boat Wishbone. Photograph John Broomhead. While fishing in May 1979, Arthur Mack trawled up an old piece of timber with a treenail. Unlike most fishermen who would have ignored it, he was convinced it needed further investigation.

  7. Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo (nacido el 12 de diciembre de 1851, fallecido el 15 de marzo de 1942) fue un arquitecto y diseñador industrial inglés que influyó notablemente en el movimiento de Arts and Crafts a través del Century Guild of Artists (Gremio de Artistas Century) el cual fundó en compañía de Selwyn Image en 1882.