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  1. Frances Polidori was a British educator and the mother of the poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. She was also a model for some of his paintings and a devout Anglican who burned her husband's controversial book on esotericism.

  2. In 1821, John Polidori took his own life with prussic acid over gambling debts which was a terrible blow to the Polidori family. Frances Rossetti treasured a Byronic portrait of her handsome brother, now in the National Portrait Gallery, and always displayed it in the family home.

  3. Frances Mary Lavinia Rossetti (née Polidori) (1800-1886), Mother of Dante Gabriel, William Michael and Christina Rossetti. Sitter in 5 portraits. She is noted for her family connections more than in her own right.

  4. Su madre fue Frances Polidori, hija del escritor y político italiano Gaetano Polidori.

  5. Polidori admired and sought to emulate in Byron becomes, in the fiction, reprehensible and subject to censure, while many of Polidori's own faults are transferred to Byron.

  6. 17 de abr. de 2023 · Despite living most of her life in gloomy London houses, her poems are full of images and references to the rural world she experienced as a child at the home of her maternal grandparents, the Polidoris, in Holmer Green. This history is reflected in the local names.

  7. Christina Rossetti. Cuarta y última hija de Gabriele Rossetti, poeta y exiliado político italiano, profesor del King’s College, y de Frances Polidori, hija del poeta y traductor italiano Gaetano Polidori, nació en Londres en 1830.