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  1. The novel describes a Jewish life in a Polish village of Goray after the massacres of the Cossack riots during the Khmelnitsky Uprising of 1648, which was influenced by the teachings of the false messiah Sabbatai Zevi in desperate hopes for messiah and redemption.

  2. A very strange tale based on historical events in 17th century Poland, Satan in Goray follows a small village's collapse into religious hysteria after many Jewish communities were destroyed by the Chmielnicki massacre around 1650 (an uprising by the Cossacks against Catholics and Jews in eastern Poland).

  3. Sinopsis de SATAN IN GORAY. The pogrom that swept through Poland was interpreted as a sign of the Coming of the Lord. In the little town of Goray, laid waste by murder and famine, grief becomes joy as good news arrives of the second coming of the Messiah.

  4. SATAN IN GORAY. As messianic zeal sweeps through medieval Poland, the Jews of Goray divide between those who, like the Rabbi, insist that no one can "force the end" and those who follow the messianic pretender Sabbatai Zevi.

  5. 31 de jul. de 1996 · In the 17th Century, European Jewish civilization almost collapsed. Social norms fell apart as people abandoned their homes and their farms in something that can only be described as a mass psychosis. Satan in Goray tells the story from the perspective of one town.

  6. Sat#n en Goray es un retrato soberbio de la tradici#n del mesianismo jud#o, emparentada por su grandeza con historias como la de El golem, de Gustav Meyrink. Rese#a: "Escrito hermosamente por uno de los m#s grandes exponentes de la prosa yiddish, Sat#n en Goray es folclor transmutado en literatura." The New York Times

  7. In Goray, it was a ritual slaughterer, Gedalia, who led the messianic believers; all opponents were virtually banished from the village. Rechele, a lame girl, spoke in strange tongues and...