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  1. Robert Edmond Grant MD FRCPEd FRS FRSE FZS FGS (11 November 1793 – 23 August 1874) was a British anatomist and zoologist.

  2. Robert Edmond Grant (1793 - 1874) was an Edinburgh-trained physician, who gave up the profession to study invertebrates. He was an early advocate of evolutionary thought (a strong supporter of Lamarck and his views), and cited Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia in his medical dissertation.

  3. Robert Edmond Grant, mentor de Charles Darwin durante su estancia en Edimburgo (1825-1827) El doctor Grant le hablaba reiteradamente de su asombro por la evolución biológica propuesta por Lamarck, de sus estudios de zoología marina o de las disertaciones sobre historia natural.

  4. Robert Edmond Grant MD FRCPEd FRS FRSE FZS FGS (11 November 1793 – 23 August 1874) was a British anatomist and zoologist. Vida. Grant nació en Argyll Square en Edimburgo (demolida para crear Chambers Street), hijo de Alexander Grant WS y su esposa, Jane Edmond.

  5. Robert Edmond Grant MD FRCPEd FRS (17931874) nasqué a Edimburg i es va doctorar com a metge a la Universitat d'Edimburg. [1] Havent obtingut el seu doctorat a Edimburg el 1814, Grant va renunciar a la pràctica mèdica a favor de la biologia marina i la zoologia dels invertebrats.

  6. Robert Edmond Grant (1793-1874) nació en Edimburgo y estudió medicina en la Universidad de dicha ciudad. Es notable por su influencia en el joven Darwin. Ocupó la cátedra de anatomía comparada en la University College London desde 1827 hasta su muerte.

  7. The comparative anatomist Robert Edmond Grant (1793–1874), best known for his work on sponges and other marine invertebrates, was important as a teacher and outspoken as a medical reformer. At Edinburgh University his transformist zoology provided the young Charles Darwin with his first theoretical framework.