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  1. Thomas Francis Jr. (July 15, 1900 – October 1, 1969) was an American physician, virologist, and epidemiologist who guided the discovery and development of the polio vaccine being worked on by his student Jonas Salk.

  2. Thomas Francis, Jr. was an American microbiologist and epidemiologist who isolated the viruses responsible for influenza A (1934) and influenza B (1940) and developed a polyvalent vaccine effective against both strains.

  3. 26 de ago. de 2020 · En 1940, Thomas Francis Jr. crea la primera vacuna contra la gripe en colaboración con Jonas Salk, que en 1954 recibió el Premio Nobel junto a Albert Sabin, por haber descubierto la vacuna contra la poliomelitis.

  4. 17 de sept. de 2020 · Tres años más tarde, el médico y virólogo especialista en epidemiología, Thomas Francis Jr., consiguió aislar el virus de la influenza B y ese mismo año el científico Burnet descubrió que se...

  5. It was April 12, 1955, and Dr. Thomas Francis Jr., director of the Poliomyelitis Vaccine Evaluation Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, was announcing to the world that the vaccine, developed by his former student Jonas Salk, was protective of paralytic polio.

  6. 13 de mar. de 2023 · Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus accepts the award named after the influenza and polio expert and reflects on the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic. He highlights the importance of public health, science and cooperation in preventing and responding to epidemics and pandemics.

  7. The concept of "original antigenic sin" was first proposed by Thomas Francis, Jr. in 1960. This phenomenon has the potential to rewrite what we understand about how the immune system responds to infections and its mechanistic implications on how vaccines should be designed.