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  1. Key resources for Axis & Allies miniatures game players. Moderators: Global Moderator, Moderator, Administrator. Sub-boards: WotC A&A Air Force Miniatures cards, WotC A&A Miniatures (Land Game) cards, WotC A&A Naval Miniatures cards Sets I - VI. 5.

  2. I am a new wargamer who would like to explore different kinds of wargaming options (board and miniatures). I know nothing about miniature wargaming. I would like to know if there is a way to play solo with Axis & Allies miniatures? Thanks for your help!

  3. 27 de jul. de 2012 · We have a large amount of Axis & Allies 1914 German and Ottoman Empire Units available. Also have other nations in our Clearance Section. Check out

  4. 14 de jun. de 2006 · Oct 6, 2013, 5:21 AM. Similar to night rules, this represents an element of concealment whether cloud cover or what to give an edge to attacking units allowing a scenario like Taranto to more easily play out. Uncertain objective: after both fleets are deployed roll a die on a 1-2 place an objective marker on the center left, 3-4 in the middle ...

  5. Al final me he decidido por un Home Axis & Allies Miniatures por varias razones: - hexágonos (ya no estoy en edad de medir) - reglas conseguibles en la red (reglas y tarjetas.

  6. 13 de feb. de 2012 · Nacido del exitoso juego de mesa, Axis and allies minis es un juego de estrategia por turnos en mesa, donde cada jugador asume una faccion (Aliados, Alemanes, japoneses, etc) y coloca en juego una cantidad de miniaturas acorde a un puntaje (200pts) Tanques, Soldados, Artilleria, vehiculos, aviones, etc.

  7. This group is for people who play the Axis and Allies Collectible Miniatures land game, which is a miniature wargaming system played with squads of 1/100 scale armor (15 mm figure scale) collectible miniatures. • If you are into WAS try here: