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  1. 『ダンス・ウィズ・ウルブズ 』(原題:Dances with Wolves)は、1990年のアメリカ映画。製作会社はオライオン・ピクチャーズで、監督・主演・製作はケビン・コスナー。第63回アカデミー賞 作品賞ならびに第48回ゴールデングローブ賞 作品賞受賞作品である。

  2. That said, Dances with Wolves is not really in my wheelhouse, and although it held my attention I can't see myself probably ever watching it again. Costner knows what he's about, and that's great, but a four-hour film about American history with strong romance elements is never going to blow me away.

  3. 19 de jun. de 2024 · On the Web: The Washington Post - ‘Dances With Wolves’ (June 19, 2024) Dances With Wolves, American epic western film, released in 1990, that was directed by and starred Kevin Costner and won widespread admiration as well as seven Academy Awards, including that for best picture. It also received the Golden Globe Award for best drama.

  4. Rewarded for his heroism in the Civil War, Lt. John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) wants to see the American frontier before it is gone. He is assigned to an abandoned fort, where a Sioux tribe is his only neighbor. Overcoming the language barrier and their mutual fear and distrust, Dunbar and the proud Indians gradually become friends. Eventually, he falls in love with the beautiful Stands With a ...

  5. 21 de nov. de 1990 · 具有文化历史美学价值的经典西部片. 这篇影评可能有剧透. 西部片后期的经典之作《与狼共舞》(Dancce With Wolves)是好莱坞明星凯文,科斯特纳自导自演的剧情长片,影片描述在美国南北战争末期,北军中尉邓巴与拉科塔印地安人的故事,电影的对白多使用 ...

  6. Der mit dem Wolf tanzt (Originaltitel: Dances with Wolves, kurz für He who Dances with Wolves, deutsch „Der mit Wölfen tanzt“) ist eine US-amerikanisch-britische Literaturverfilmung von 1990 und zugleich das Regiedebüt von Kevin Costner, der an dem Western auch als Hauptdarsteller und Koproduzent beteiligt ist. Für das Drehbuch adaptierte Michael Blake seinen eigenen gleichnamigen Roman.

  7. A Civil War soldier develops a relationship with a band of Lakota Indians. Attracted by the simplicity of their lifestyle, he chooses to leave his former lif...