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  1. 1 de may. de 2016 · Abstract. An Anglican clergyman, and one of the key instigators of the evangelical or Methodist Revival and the Great Awakening, George Whitefield was, for a time during the middle decades of the eighteenth century, perhaps the most famous person on both sides of the Atlantic. He preached throughout the British Isles and the American colonies ...

  2. Whitfield, George. Nació el 16 de diciembre de 1714 en Gloucester (Inglaterra). Su padre, un mesonero, murió cuando tenía dos años de edad. Hasta los doce años ayudó a su madre con el mesón o posada. Desde entonces pudo asistir a la escuela, donde se hizo famoso por sus dones de orador y actor y sus puntos de vista nada religiosos.

  3. 24 de may. de 2017 · George Whitefield (1714–1770), an English Anglican and Calvinist itinerant preacher, was one of the most recognized figures of the British Atlantic evangelical world. He is often associated with the founding of the Methodist Church, although Methodism did not officially break from the Church of England until after Whitefield’s death.

  4. George Whitefield! In the eighteenth century, his name deserved an exclamation point. Innovator, celebrity, phenomenon, he drew tens of thousands of people to his open-air preaching to hear the old message of the new birth in a new way. “How was his tongue like the pen of a ready

  5. Abstract. This introduction to the volume provides in the first instance a brief overview of George Whitefield’s life and career, delineating its main features, and highlighting Whitefield’s key interests and achievements. The most substantial section examines Whitefield’s attempts to shape his public image during his lifetime, through ...

  6. ジョージ・ホウィットフィールド(ホイットフィールドとも、英語:George Whitefield、1714年 12月27日 - 1770年 9月30日)は、18世紀イギリスと植民地時代アメリカに大きな影響を与えたキリスト教の伝道者、イングランド国教会の牧師、説教者、メソジスト 信仰復興 の指導者である。

  7. Infanzia e permanenza a Oxford. George Whitefield nasce a Gloucester dal proprietario di una rinomata locanda (al cui interno venivano anche rappresentate delle commedie) la "Bell Inn". Il padre muore quando è ancora bambino e la locanda viene portata avanti dalla madre con l'aiuto dei figli più grandi, tuttavia a George non venne riservata la stessa sorte; dotato di buona memoria ed ...