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  1. When you study Music at Guildhall, there are two central principles which will be fundamental to your training: Achieving your potential as an outstanding music-maker: developing as a fully-fledged creative artist, whose craft and skill is expressed through a mature, authoritative artistic voice. Working as an artist in society: becoming an ...

  2. Guildhall School encourages applications from students whose backgrounds are underrepresented in higher education, and at the School. Find out more about our Access & Participation work and ways to get involved. ... ©2024 Guildhall School of Music & Drama ...

  3. Our progressive and creative conservatoire is dynamic and rigorous, a welcoming atmosphere that is always supportive. Offering unparalleled access to the finest professors and a wealth of performing opportunities, Guildhall offers you a unique platform for employability and success.

  4. About the MA in Music Therapy. On this programme, students gain experience working with adults and children alongside qualified music therapists on placements in a variety of settings including special and mainstream schools, and with people who experience: During the programme, students must undertake a minimum of 40 hours of individual ...

  5. 33K Followers, 312 Following, 1,108 Posts - Guildhall School of Music & Drama (@guildhallschool) on Instagram: "Ranked 1st for Arts, Drama & Music by The Complete University Guide 2025"

  6. La Guildhall School of Music and Drama estas altlernejo pri muziko kaj teatro, fondita dum la jaro 1880 en Londono. Ĝi estas posedaĵo de la urbo Londono ( Corporation of London , do "korporacio de Londono") kaj ricevas siajn financojn el la urba kaso, kaj tial nomiĝas laŭ la malnova centra sidejo de la korporacio, la historia konstruaĵo Guildhall , kvankam la altlernejo mem neniam ...

  7. La Guildhall School of Music and Drama (GSMD) és una escola de música i arts dramàtiques fundada en 1880 a la ciutat de Londres, Gran Bretanya.La primera Guildhall School es trobava en un vell magatzem de Aldermanbury; no obstant això, aquestes instal·lacions aviat van quedar massa petites, per la qual cosa Sir Horace Jones, arquitecte de la City va dissenyar un edifici de nova planta al ...