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  1. Deborah L. Hughes is President & CEO of the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House, holding this position since 2007. During her tenure as president, the Anthony Museum has completed a major phase of restoration to the National Historic Landmark, secured its Absolute Charter as a Museum, and dramatically grown attendance while staying true to its mission and vision.

  2. The first president of the organization was Susan B. Anthony. This document, the NWSA Constitution, presented five articles the association would uphold. The major goal was to “secure STATE and NATIONAL protection for women citizens in the exercise of their right to vote.”

  3. Susan Brownell Anthony, in età avanzata Una moneta da un dollaro con l'effigie di Susan B. Anthony. Susan B. Anthony, che morì 14 anni, 5 mesi e 5 giorni prima dell'approvazione del Diciannovesimo Emendamento che concedeva il diritto di voto alle donne, fu onorata come la prima donna americana reale (cioè non allegorica) la cui effigie fu riprodotta su monete circolanti degli Stati Uniti ...

  4. Dispuesta a alcanzar su objetivo -la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres-, Susan B. Anthony terminó convirtiéndose en referente indiscutible del feminismo norteamericano. Dedicada en cuerpo y alma a luchar por el sufragio femenino, Susan pasó toda su vida abanderando la cruzada de las mujeres contra las injusticias del patriarcado.

  5. 12 de jun. de 2023 · Susan B. Anthony Dollars Average Prices and Values . The buy price is what you can expect to pay to a coin dealer when you purchase the coin. Sell value is what you can expect to receive from a coin dealer if you sell the coin. The values listed here are approximate retail prices and wholesale values.

  6. In 1856, Susan B. Anthony served as an American Anti-Slavery Society agent, arranging meetings, making speeches, putting up posters and distributing leaflets. When Susan B. Anthony encountered hostile mobs, armed threats, and had things thrown at her, she did not quit.

  7. 18 de feb. de 2020 · Susan B. Anthony and a group of 14 other women in Rochester, New York, registered to vote at a local barber shop in 1872, part of the New Departure strategy of the woman suffrage movement. On November 5, 1872, she cast a ballot in the presidential election.