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  1. Sven Nykvist (1922 - 2006) fue un director de fotografía y personaje de Suecia conocido por Algo para recordar, Delitos y faltas, Persona, ¿A quién ama Gilbert Grape?, Fanny y Alexander, El quimérico inquilino, Celebrity, El cartero siempre llama dos veces, Sólo tú y Gritos y susurros

  2. In the Company of Light:Sven Nykvist. Best known for his three-decade collaboration with Ingmar Bergman, which produced several of the most important films of the modern cinema, the legendary cinematographer Sven Nykvist has had a unique impact on the film medium. He revitalized Bergman’s films in the late 1950s and 1960s by replacing the ...

  3. Outside of the marvelous Visions of Light (1992, Todd McCarthy, Arnold Glassman), documentaries of the art of cinematography are few and far between. I may be wrong, but I think Light Keeps Me Company (Carl-Gustaf Nykvist, 2000) may be the first documentary entirely devoted to a single cinematographer, the Swedish legend, Sven Nykvist. If so, it’s not a bad place to start.

  4. Sven Vilhem Nykvist, född 3 december 1922 i Moheda, död 20 september 2006 i Stockholm, var en svensk filmfotograf, regissör, manusförfattare och filmproducent, som av många betraktas som en av de största filmfotograferna genom tiderna. Under sin 55 år långa karriär som fotograf filmade han 123 filmer, varav 24 var i samarbete med ...

  5. 20 de sept. de 2006 · Sven Vilhem Nykvist (3 December 1922 – 20 September 2006) was a Swedish cinematographer. He worked on over 120 films, but is known especially for his work with director Ingmar Bergman. He won Academy Awards for his work on two Bergman films, Cries and Whispers (Viskningar och rop) in 1973 and Fanny and Alexander (Fanny och Alexander) in 1983, and the Independent Spirit Award for Best ...

  6. Sven Nykvist (Moheda, 3 de desembre de 1922 - Estocolm, 20 de setembre de 2006) va ser un director de fotografia suec particularment conegut pel seu treball amb el director Ingmar Bergman. El seu treball es caracteritzava per les seves qualitats naturalistes i la seva senzillesa.

  7. › wiki › Sven_NykvistSven Nykvist - Wikipedia

    Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007), regista svedese, e Sven Nykvist (1922-2006), direttore della fotografia. Nykvist nacque a Moheda, contea di Kronoberg, Svezia.Figlio di un missionario che viveva perlopiù nel Congo belga, visse la sua infanzia con i suoi parenti svedesi, lontano dai genitori, e si interessò ad un'arte allora considerata peccaminosa dalla maggioranza dei religiosi non conformisti.