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  1. Hace 3 días · Huike, "a dhuta (extreme ascetic) who schooled others" and used the Srimala Sutra, one of the Tathāgatagarbha sūtras, figures in the stories about Bodhidharma. Huike is regarded as the second Chan patriarch, appointed by Bodhidharma to succeed him.

  2. 18 de jul. de 2024 · Dazu Huike [Taiso Eka en japonés] [Ta-su Hui-ke] (487–593) El segundo ancestro chino. Según la leyenda apócrifa, se habría cortado un brazo para demostrar su sinceridad al fundador del Chan, Bodhidharma. Luego heredó la «médula» de Bodhidharma después de hacer postraciones para demostrar su comprensión.

  3. › wiki › BodhidharmaBodhidharma - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · In one legend, Bodhidharma refused to resume teaching until his would-be student, Dazu Huike, who had kept vigil for weeks in the deep snow outside of the monastery, cut off his own left arm to demonstrate sincerity.

  4. Hace 2 días · Chan Buddhism, based on the teachings of various Chan masters such as Bodhidharma, Dazu Huike (487–593), Sengcan (d. 606), Dayi Daoxin (580–651), and Hongren (601–674).

  5. 5 de jul. de 2024 · The exterior of the Geukrakbo-jeon Hall is adorned with various Buddhist related murals that include the Bodhidharma and Dazu Huike (487-593 A.D.). On either side of the main hall’s front signboard, you’ll find two ferocious dragon-heads .

  6. 1 de jul. de 2024 · It’s a Zen story about Bodhidharma, a famous Buddhist monk, and Huike, who was intent on learning from him: “Huike says to Bodhidharma, when finally given a chance to speak to him directly, ‘My mind is anxious. Please pacify it.’ To which Bodhidharma replies, ‘Bring me your mind, and I will pacify it.’

  7. 3 de jul. de 2024 · Daejeoksa Temple is located in northern Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbuk-do to the west of Mt. Ansan (501.7 m). Daejeoksa Temple was first founded in 876 A.D. by the monk Bojo Chejing (804-880 A.D.), who shouldn’t be confused with the more famous Bojo-guksa (1158-1210).