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  1. 13 de sept. de 2024 · Police Woman features Angie Dickinson as Sgt Pepper Anderson, while her boss is Sgt Bill Crowley (the great Earl Holliman), of the Criminal Conspiracy Unit. Working with them are detectives Pete Royster (Charles Dierkopf) and Joe Styles (Ed Bernard).

  2. Finalist tekme Izvoznik leta 2024; NGEN želi imeti 10 odstotkov evropskega trga in biti Google pri digitalizaciji energetike. Roman Bernard, direktor in soustanovitelj NGEN: »Osvojiti želimo 10 odstotkov evropskega trga.«. Na tujih trgih se usmerjajo predvsem h gospodinjstvom. Foto: Helena ...

  3. Hace 2 días · Son dernier thriller, "Les Effacées" (ed. XO), est sorti il y a quelques mois et il présidera ce weekend le festival littéraire de Besançon. Au micro de Frédéric Pommier, Bernard Minier évoque "Come back to Camden" de Morrissey, qu'il considère comme l'une des plus belles chansons du monde.

  4. 26 de ago. de 2024 · According to Knox, the Sophoclean Odysseus is “a degenerate descendant of the Homeric hero” (124). On the differences in character, see also Philoktet: Sophokles, 4th ed., ed. Karl Reinhardt (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1967), 172–201, who has shown how this difference becomes particularly noticeable on the level of language.

  5. 6 de sept. de 2024 · A procession of figures strides purposefully across the page: a monkey, a few apes, a proto-human or two, and finally a modern human. As we move from left to right, the figures grow progressively taller and more erect. No other image appeared more than a handful of times.

  6. 11 de sept. de 2024 · Edward B. Johnson, who as an anonymous C.I.A. officer in 1980 helped rescue six American diplomats during the Iran hostage crisis by casting them as a Hollywood crew scouting a Mideast location ...

  7. 1 de sept. de 2024 · Our assumption is that Foucault identified changes in social life and the emergence of the disciplinary diagram through the transformation of spatial practices. Thus, he “needed” Bentham’s idea of the Panopticon. However, his reference to Bentham goes beyond the interpretation of the spatial aspects of the Panopticon.