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  1. Hace 23 horas · El número de Hordak tiene guion de Keith Giffen y Brian Keene y dibujos del propio Giffen muy en el estilo de Fourth World de Jack Kirby. Los dos primeros títulos aportan poca o nula información a esos personajes, pero en el tercero, Giffen va más allá y deja entrever que Hordak y Zodak, que se dan machaca cósmica a los largo de 18 de las 22 páginas, son hermanos.

  2. Hace 1 día · la cubierta para Liga de la Justicia InternacionalAnual El número 2 (Keith Giffen, JM DeMatteis, Bill Willingham y Joe Rubinstein) le da a Joker posiblemente la mejor portada de su ilustre historia. Con un fondo rojo sangre y la cantidad perfecta de sombras siniestras en su rostro, el payaso asesino sostiene un juego de tarjetas de miembro de la JLA, con el Fuego ya tachado.

  3. Hace 1 día · The cover for Justice League International Annual #2 (Keith Giffen, JM DeMatteis, Bill Willingham & Joe Rubinstein) gives Joker arguably the best cover in his illustrious history. With a blood-red background and the perfect amount of sinister shadowing on his face, the killer clown holds a set of JLA member cards -- with Fire already crossed off.

  4. Hace 2 días · Suicide Squad (vol. 2) was published in 2001, written by Keith Giffen, with art by Paco Medina. Though the series' first issue featured a Squad composed entirely of Giffen's Injustice League members, the roster was promptly slaughtered, save for Major Disaster and Multi-Man.

  5. Hace 23 horas · July 1, 2024. When he was first introduced by Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen in Omega Men #3 (1983), Lobo was a villain from planet Velorpian, the last of his race, who partnered with Bedlam. You can forget about that. This was not DC Comics’ Main Man, the Lobo who gained fame during the 1990s. Reintroduced by Giffen in Justice League ...

  6. Hace 2 días · “guest artists”: Kurt Shaffenberger, Curt Swan, Dave Cockrum, Mike Grell, Keith Giffen, Dick Giordano cover by Ken Steacy. It’s the Legion’s 30th anniversary, and the spotlight is on one of the founders. The framing device is that the Luck Lords (remember those creepy guys?) are looking at Lightning Lad’s very unlucky history.

  7. 24 de jun. de 2024 · Keith Giffen, JM DeMatteis, and Kevin Maguire are back with Maxwell Lord as he assembles a new superhero team designed to be accessible to the common man. Calling themselves the SUPER BUDDIES and operating from a suburban strip mall, we're reunited with Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Fire, Elongated Man, Captain Atom, plus Mary Marvel!