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  1. Militello Val di Catania, una de las ciudades más bellas de Italia, fascina por su ruta monumental, reconstruida en parte tras el terremoto de 1693. No en vano, la ciudad está incluida en la lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO entre las ciudades del barroco tardío del Valle de Noto.

  2. Militello Val di Catania, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, is fascinating for its monumental route that was partly rebuilt after the earthquake of 1693. Not for nothing is the town included in the UNESCO World Heritage List among the Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto.

  3. Militello in Val di Catania (Militeḍḍu in siciliano), fino al 1862 chiamato Militello in Val di Noto, è un comune italiano di 6 729 abitanti della città metropolitana di Catania in Sicilia.

  4. Militello in Val di Catania. La bella ciudad, que conservó este nombre hasta principios de la unificación de Italia, luego sustituido por «Val di Catania», te dejará boquiabierto por el encanto de su magnífico recorrido monumental.

  5. Militello in Val di Catania ( Militeddu en siciliano) es un municipio italiano de cerca de 10 000 habitantes de la provincia de Catania ( Sicilia ), ubicado a unos 160 km al sureste de Palermo y alrededor de 35 km al suroeste de Catania, en las estribaciones de los montes Ibleos.

  6. The beautiful town, which kept this name until the Unification of Italy, when it was replaced with Val di Catania, leaves you amazed by the charm of its superb monumental route. It's not for nothing that it's included in the World Heritage List among the Baroque cities of the Val di Noto by UNESCO.

  7. 10 de ene. de 2020 · Located between the Val di Noto and Catania, Militello is a borgo of history and art, but also of oranges and traditional sweets of grape must and prickly pears. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site listed as The Baroque Cities of the Val di Noto.