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  1. Hace 3 días · 14. THE PRIORY OF BRUTON. The House of Austin Canons at Bruton was founded in 1142 by William de Moion Earl of Somerset. He endowed it with the manor of Bruton and the rectory of St. Mary and St. Aldhelm's Church, which William, the chaplain, surrendered for that purpose. Earl William enriched the house also with the churches of Moion, Pierreville, Regouefe, Lyon-sur-Mêr, on his Norman ...

  2. Hace 14 horas · November 1534, 21–25. 1455. The Council at Ludlow. Warrant to Sir Brian Tuke, treasurer of the Chamber, for the payment of the fees of the Council in the marches of Wales, of which Roland bishop of Coventry and Lichfield has been appointed president, viz., 13 l. 6 s. 8 d. a week, and for the yearly fees of Sir John Porte, justice, 40 marks ...

  3. Hace 2 días · The great Augustinian priory of Bridlington was founded by Walter de Gant in the reign of Henry I. The priory received gifts from a large number of donors, and soon became one of the richest religious foundations in the county.

  4. Hace 3 días · It has hitherto escaped attention that within just a century after its foundation the priory of Monk Bretton ceased to be a Cluniac house, and remained Benedictine, pure and simple, till the Dissolution.

  5. 13 de may. de 2024 · Esta iniciativa, que pretende achegar a vida de Rosalía de Castro a toda a poboación, desenvolve un itinerario cultural a partires dunha ruta xa existente deseñada polo intelectual dodrense Avelino Abuín de Tembra e que une os concellos de Santiago de Com.

  6. 24 de may. de 2024 · In the British Museum there lies a mysterious manuscript from the 15th century. The Book of Foundations is written in Middle English; but it is believed to be based upon an older document composed in Latin around the year 1180. The manuscript tells of the founding and history of St. Bartholomew’s Priory and Hospital, and also, intriguingly, of the only reported vision of Our Lady in London.

  7. 23 de may. de 2024 · PARROQUIA DE SAN XIAO DE LUAÑA ALDEAS: Amañecida, Ardións, Cristimil, Espiñeiros, Goiáns, A Igrexa, Mato, Moldes, Nináns, A Pedreira, Tourís, Vexo, Vioxo de Abaixo, Vioxo de Arriba. CODIGO POSTAL: 15285 EXTENSIÓN: 11,6 km VALE A PENA VER: Igrexa parroquial de San Xiao (S. XVIII) Cruceiros: Amañecida, Adro da Igrexa (hai 2), O Quinterio (Vioxo de Abaixo), O Saramagal (Vioxo de Abaixo ...