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  1. Subreddit for the greatest video game ever made Xenogears is a 1998 JRPG sci-fi epic, released on the Sony PlayStation; directed by Tetsuya Takahashi, and written by he and his wife Kaori Tanaka (alias Soraya Saga) Xenogears tells the story of Fei Fong Wong and a group of dynamic followers, as they journey across the world to overthrow an all-powerful and mysterious organization

  2. Hace 3 días · Other notable designers include Tetsuya Takahashi, the graphic director, and Yasuyuki Honne, Tetsuya Nomura, and Yusuke Naora, who worked as field graphic artists. Yasuhiko Kamata programmed graphics, and cited Ridley Scott's visual work in the film Alien as an inspiration for the game's lighting.

  3. 24 de may. de 2024 · 高橋徹也です。 昨日ようやく上映最終日になって、ずっと観たかった映画『Past Lives/再会』を駆け込みで鑑賞してきました。 これ、自分が実際観てもいないのに、友達数人にもお薦めしていた映画で、韓国とアメリカを舞台に描かれるシンプルで切ないラヴストーリー。 もしもあの時、別の選択をしていたら、、そんな過ぎ去って行く人生の機微みたいなものを、静かに感じさせてくれる素敵な映画でした。 数年前に観て感動した『Minari』もそうだけど、韓国の俳優さんの演技がとても魅力的でしたね。 日本とはまた違う種類の実直さや強さみたいなものとでも言いましょうか。 あくまで映画の中での話だけど素敵だったな。 かく言う僕らも日々小さな選択を重ねて、人生を生きているわけですよね。

  4. Hace 2 días · Tetsuya Takahashi, one of the graphic directors, drew the imperial Magitek Armors seen in the opening scene. By doing so, he disregarded Sakaguchi's intention to reuse the regular designs from elsewhere in the game.

  5. Hace 4 días · Nicolas Lafferriere. 04/06/2024 a las 17:59. A través de un comunicado en sus redes sociales y su página web oficial, New Japan Pro-Wrestling ha confirmado los últimos enfrentamientos de Dominion 6.9 in Osaka-Jo Hall, el próximo evento importante de la empresa. La cartelera del espectáculo suma tres enfrentamientos inéditos a su listado..

  6. 18 de may. de 2024 · Xenosaga is an RPG series released from 2002 until 2006 for the PlayStation 2. Like Xenogears before it and Xenoblade after it, it is the brainchild of Tetsuya Takahashi and made by Monolith Soft. Unlike Gears and Blade, Xenosaga takes place in a futuristic sci-fi setting in space.

  7. 24 de may. de 2024 · A mook book that celebrates Tetsuya Chiba's then 55 year long career, with various interviews, galleries, a previously unpublished one-shot of Chiba's made before his debut, discussions and articles on all of his famous manga and contributions from various mangaka.