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  1. Tuska, Andru, Cole -creador de Plastic Man-, Bailley, incluso el Mike Sekowski de la futura Justice League... Todo un quien es quién de los artistas de la época en pretéritos trabajos no exhentos de brillantez.

  2. Men of Bronze is the 2005 historical novel debut of American author Scott Oden; an ancient Egyptian tale inspired by the writings of Herodotus and by Oden's love of the pulp-fiction tales of Robert E. Howard.

  3. 4 de mar. de 2019 · You can get all of the updated materials including a FAQ, Campaign rules, and Lines-of-Battle in the Men of Bronze Supplement: Hercules Abroad.

  4. Y aunque han habido grandes etapas y creadores, muchos seguimos pensando que la serie en realidad acabó con Claremont y Lee. Con la película en ciernes, si alguien puede devolver a X-Men al histórico lugar que llegó a ocupar, ese es Tom Brevoort.

  5. Men of Bronze is the definitive story of black American soldiers of the 369th U.S. combat regiment, the 15th Infantry from New York, know as the "Harlem Hellfighters,"...

  6. Instead of reaching a consensus, the contributors have sharpened their differences, providing new evidence, explanations, and theories about the origin, nature, strategy, and tactics of the hoplite phalanx and its effect on Greek culture and the rise of the polis.

  7. 1 de ene. de 2005 · It is 526 B.C. and the empire of the Pharaohs is dying, crushed by the weight of its own antiquity. Decay riddles its cities, infects its aristocracy, and weakens its armies. While across the expanse of Sinai, like jackals drawn to carrion, the forces of the King of Persia watch and wait.