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  1. Learn about the five daughters and one son of Joseph and Magda Goebbels, who were murdered by their parents in 1945. Find out their names, ages, personalities, and how they were killed by cyanide.

  2. Los niños Goebbels fueron cinco niñas y un niño, hijos del Ministro de Propaganda nazi Joseph Goebbels y su esposa Magda. Los pequeños, nacidos entre 1932 y 1940, fueron asesinados por sus padres en Berlín el 1 de mayo de 1945, mismo día en que ambos se suicidaron.

  3. El Führer le había pedido que, junto a su familia, abandonara Berlín. Pero Goebbels se quedó. Desde hacía diez días Goebbels, su esposa Magda y sus seis hijos vivían en el bunker de Hitler.

  4. 2 de dic. de 2005 · Goebbels y Magda tuvieron cinco hijas, Helga, Hildegard, Hedwig Holding y Heidrum, y un hijo, Helmut. Todos sus nombres empezaban por h en homenaje a Hitler. Cuando murieron envenenados, la mayor...

  5. 24 de mar. de 2010 · Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's propaganda minister and a loyal Nazi leader until his suicide in 1945. He and his wife poisoned their six children before killing themselves on May 1, 1945.

  6. In the bunker, together with Goebbels and Magda, were their six children. The children were sedated with morphine and then Magda, with the help of Hitler’s doctor, placed a crushed ampoule of cyanide in their mouths, one by one.

  7. 18 de may. de 2021 · In 1943, the Nazis began to provide the wounded with transfusions using the blood of young children. It was believed that it was still safe for the "purity of German blood". Young children could be exsanguinated completely quite often. To this end, the Nazis created several children's concentration camps within the territory of the ...