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  1. › wiki › KitsunebiKitsunebi - Wikipedia

    The Bakemono Tsukushi Emaki, author unknown (late Edo period) "Kitsunebi" from the Gazu Hyakki Yagyō by Toriyama Sekien. Kitsunebi (狐火) is an atmospheric ghost light told about in legends all across Japan outside Okinawa Prefecture. They are also called "hitobosu", "hitomoshi" (火点し), and "rinka" (燐火).

  2. Latest. notice: use inboundTag "vinbound" in configuration routing and level "0" policy. "inbounds": [] not need in configuration. feature: Force TCP DNS (dns udp over tcp) Preview available by disable FakeDNS in app settings to use this.

  3. Kitsunebi. Appearance : Kitsunebi, or foxfire, is named for the magical kitsune who are said to create it. Kitsunebi appears as a mass of floating orbs of light, usually only a few centimeters in diameter and less than a meter above the ground.

  4. Kitsunebi (Japanese: 狐火 or きつねび, meaning "fox fire") or fox-fire, is named for the magical kitsune who are said to create it. It originates from kitsune and only appears when they are nearby. This phenomenon is similar to how the Tengu have their own ethereal fire known as Tengubi.

  5. El kitsune Yokai. El mundo de los yokai es realmente enorme y por supuesto los kitsune también están representados de múltiples formas y con poderes diferentes, desde extrañas criaturas con formas humanas mezcladas con zorros hasta seres capaces de controlar las fuerzas de la naturaleza.

  6. kitsunebi.appKitsunebi

    Teumessian Fox. Laelaps was a hound destined to catch whatever it chased, whilst the Teumessian Fox was destined to never be caught. The chase went on but Laelaps could not close on the Teumessian Fox, but nor could the Teumessian Fox get clear of the hound.

  7. 11 de feb. de 2009 · En Japón, kitsune significa zorro, y representa a un espíritu del bosque con forma de zorro que se encarga de cuidar los bosques y las aldeas. Su origen se remonta al Antiguo Japón, cuando estos animales vivían en armonía con los humanos, derivando un sinfin de leyendas.