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  1. Julian Hawthorne (1846-1934) fue un escritor estadounidense, que siguió los pasos de su padre, el famoso novelista Nathaniel Hawthorne, convirtiéndose en un prolífico escritor y periodista. Escribió numerosos poemas, novelas, relatos cortos, historias de misterio, ensayos, guías de viaje, biografías e historias.

  2. Julian Hawthorne (June 22, 1846 – July 14, 1934) was an American writer and journalist, the son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne and Sophia Peabody. He wrote numerous poems, novels, short stories, mysteries and detective fiction, essays, travel books, biographies, and histories.

  3. Julian Hawthorne was the son of Nathaniel Hawthorne. He wrote poetry, novels, non-fiction, a series of crime novels based on the memoirs of New York's Inspector Byrnes, and edited several collections of short stories. He attended Harvard, without graduating, and later studied civil engineering.

  4. Julian Hawthorne (1846-1934) fue un escritor estadounidense, que siguió los pasos de su padre, el famoso novelista Nathaniel Hawthorne, convirtiéndose en un prolífico escritor y periodista. Escribió numerosos poemas, novelas, relatos cortos, historias de misterio, ensayos, guías de viaje, biografías e historias.

  5. Hombre lobo (Were-Wolf) es un poema gótico del escritor norteamericano Julian Hawthorne (1846-1934), publicado originalmente en la edición del 1 de mayo de 1895 de la revista Chap-Book, y luego reeditado en la antología de 1900: Una antología americana (An American Anthology).

  6. Julian Hawthorne (1846-1934) was an American author and journalist, and the son of Nathaniel Hawthorne. He wrote biographies, novels, short stories, essays, and histories, but was overshadowed by his famous father.

  7. (1846–1934). Author, journalist, and editor Julian Hawthorne was the only son of the eminent U.S. writer Nathaniel Hawthorne and Sophia Peabody Hawthorne. Although Julian Hawthorne wrote prolifically and successfully, he suffered perpetually from unfavorable comparison with his father, and his fiction was never well received by critics.