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  1. Department of Chemical Science and Engineering.

  2. 2024/05/21. 関東春ロボコン2024にて,東京高専がベスト4と特別賞獲得!. 2024/05/16. 教職員採用情報(事務補佐員)について更新しました. 2024/05/14. 令和7年度本科編入学による選抜試験の情報を更新しました. 2024/05/02. 学生が開発した規格外農産物を有効活用する ...

  3. The National Institute of Technology (NIT), which is an incorporated administrative agency of Japan organizes 51 Colleges of Technology (KOSEN). KOSEN is a unique educational institution in Japan, and is a five-year higher education institution where students can enroll from the age of 15 after graduating from junior high school, in order to ...

  4. About TOKYO KOSEN. The main characteristic of a Kosen is its 5 years of consistent engineering education starting when the students are 15 years old. With the addition of the 2-year advanced course, 7 years of consistent education is conducted. This is the first of its kind in the world.

  5. Information about Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), Admission Information, Enrollment Information, Introduction to Departments and Graduate Schools, Research Activities, Libraries and Laboratories, Industry Liaison and International exchange.

  6. 東京工業高等専門学校とうきょうこうぎょうこうとうせんもんがっこう英語: National Institute of Technology, Tokyo College)は、東京都 八王子市 椚田町に本部を置く日本の国立高等専門学校。1965年に設置された。略称は東京高専。

  7. Tokyo Tech is the largest institution for higher education in Japan dedicated to science and technology, one of first five Designated National University and selected as a Top Type university of Top Global University Project by the Japanese government.