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  1. The Women's Higher Courses (Ukrainian: Киевские высшие женские курсы, romanized: Kijevskije vyssjevskije kursy), or KVZjK, in Kyiv was the first women's higher education institution in Tsarist Ukraine, active in (1878–1889) and (1906–1917).

  2. The Women's Higher Courses (Ukrainian: Киевские высшие женские курсы, romanized: Kijevskije vyssjevskije kursy), or KVZjK, in Kyiv was the first women's higher education institution in Tsarist Ukraine, active in (1878–1889) and (1906–1917).

  3. The article demonstrates the most common gender stereotypes in higher technical education for women and that women cannot study at technical university and work as a qualified specialist. The problem of access women to the technical education is linked with the issue about gender equality.

  4. Biografía. Anna Ajmátova con su marido Nikolái Gumiliov y su hijo Lev, entre 1913 y 1916. Anna Andréievna Górenko nació el 11 (23) de junio de 1889 en Odesa, hija de una noble familia de origen tártaro. Su infancia no parece que fuese muy feliz.

  5. Kyiv higher women's courses as a center for the development of natural and mathematical education of girls of the XIX early XX centuries

  6. women's higher education institution in Ukraine in (18781889) and (19061917)

  7. 14 de mar. de 2022 · In this study, autobiographies of Jewish students of the medical department of the Kyiv Higher Courses for Women, stored in the State Archives of Kyiv, have been analysed. The focus is on the study of the inner world of young Jewish women of the modern period, their educational trajectory and motivation for socio-professional fulfilment.