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  1. 17 de dic. de 2022 · Descripción general. El delirio es un cambio grave de las capacidades mentales. Provoca pensamientos confusos y falta de consciencia del entorno. Normalmente, este trastorno aparece rápidamente, en horas o en un par de días. Por lo general, la causa del delirio puede identificarse con uno o más factores.

  2. 11 de oct. de 2014 · Delirium is an acute, transient and reversible state of confusion, usually the result of other organic processes (infection, drugs, dehydration), the onset is acute and the cognition of the patient can be highly fluctuant over a short period of time.

  3. 14 de oct. de 2022 · Delirium occurs when signals in the brain aren't sent and received properly. The disorder may have a single cause or more than one cause. For example, a medical condition combined with the side effects of a medicine could cause delirium.

  4. 19 de nov. de 2022 · Delirium is a clinical syndrome that usually develops in the elderly. It is characterized by an alteration of attention, consciousness, and cognition, with a reduced ability to focus, sustain or shift attention. It develops over a short period of time and fluctuates during the day.

  5. El delirio es un trastorno súbito de la función mental, fluctuante y en general reversible. Se caracteriza por incapacidad para prestar atención, desorientación, imposibilidad de pensar con claridad y fluctuaciones en el estado de alerta (consciencia). Diversos trastornos, fármacos, drogas recreativas y sustancias tóxicas pueden causar delirio.

  6. 14 de oct. de 2022 · The first goal of delirium treatment is to address any causes or triggers. That may include stopping certain medicines, treating an infection or treating an imbalance in the body. Treatment then focuses on creating the best setting for healing the body and calming the brain.

  7. 18 de oct. de 2023 · What is delirium? Delirium is a mental state in which you are confused, disoriented, and not able to think or remember clearly. It usually starts suddenly. It is often temporary and treatable. There are three types of delirium: Hypoactive, when you are not active and seem sleepy, tired, or depressed; Hyperactive, when you are ...