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  1. Friedrich Olbricht (4 de octubre de 1888 - 21 de julio de 1944) fue un general alemán, implicado en el intento de golpe de Estado llevado a cabo el 20 de julio de 1944.

  2. Friedrich Olbricht (4 October 1888 – 21 July 1944) was a German general during World War II. He is known for being one of the plotters involved in the 20 July Plot, an attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944. Olbricht was a senior staff officer, with the rank of lieutenant general.

  3. Friedrich Olbricht (4 d'octubre 1888 - 21 de juliol 1944) va ser un general alemany, implicat en l'intent de cop d'Estat fet el 20 juliol 1944. Vida. Olbricht va néixer a Leisnig, Saxònia, fill d'un professor de matemàtiques, Richard Olbricht.

  4. 16 de jul. de 2021 · Friedrich Olbricht was a general and one of the main organizers of the failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944. He was executed by firing squad after the plot was exposed.

  5. Friedrich Olbricht General de infantería, Jefe de la Oficina general del Ejército de Tierra y Jefe de la Oficina de reclutamiento de las fuerzas armadas en el Oberkomando de la Wehrmacht. Autor Intelectual de la Operación Walkiria o Complot del 20 de julio como también se le conoce.

  6. It was developed by General Friedrich Olbricht 's staff in his capacity as head of General Army Office and was approved by Hitler. [1] However, apart from Hitler himself, only Colonel-General Friedrich Fromm, Chief of the Reserve Army since 1938, could initiate Operation Valkyrie.

  7. Friedrich Olbricht was a German army officer who helped plan the "Valkyrie" coup against Hitler in 1944. He was executed after the failed attempt along with other conspirators.