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  1. Heinz Kurt Bolender[1] (21 May 1912 – 10 October 1966) was an SS sergeant during the Nazi era. In 1942, he operated the gas chambers at Sobibór extermination camp, perpetrating acts of genocide against Jews and Romani people during Operation Reinhard.

  2. Kurt Bolender war ein deutscher SS-Oberscharführer, der an der „Aktion T4“ und der „Aktion Reinhardt“ beteiligt war. Er wurde 1966 im Sobibor-Prozess wegen Mordes an mindestens 86.000 Menschen verurteilt, starb aber vor Urteilsprechung.

  3. Kurt Bolender, un guardia de las SS en Sobibor, rememoró: “La brigada de trabajo judía puso los cadáveres en vagonetas con bordes rectangulares y los condujo a la fosa común. Una fosa común habría medido unos 60 m de largo, 20 m de ancho y 6-7 m de profundidad [unos 197 pies de largo por 66 pies de ancho por 19-23 pies de profundidad].

  4. BOLENDER, Heinz Kurt (21 May 1912 Duisburg; † 10 October 1966 Hagen) Bolender arrived in Sobibor on 22 April 1942, at the same time as Stangl, Frenzel and Gomerski. He had previously worked in the euthanasia centres of Brandenburg and Hartheim.

  5. Testimony of SS-Oberscharführer Kurt Bolender (Belzec-Oberhauser Trial) Quoted in "BELZEC, SOBIBOR, TREBLINKA - the Operation Reinhard Death Camps", Indiana University Press - Yitzhak Arad, 1987, p. 76. Before the Jews undressed, Oberscharführer Michel made a speech to them.

  6. Kurt Bolender . Hotel porter . Arrested in 1961, accused of personally killing approximately 360 Jews and of participation in the mass murder of approximately 86,000 Jews. Committed suicide in prison before sentencing. -----

  7. During his trial, SS-Oberscharführer Kurt Bolender described the killing operations as follows: Before the Jews undressed, SS Oberscharführer Hermann Michel made a speech to them. On these occasions, he used to wear a white coat to give the impression he was a physician.