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  1. Arkadi Maslow, born Isaak Yefimowich Chemerinsky (March 9, 1891 – November 20, 1941) was a communist politician in the German Republic, Along with his partner Ruth Fischer, he was a leading figure in the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) through both the May 1924 and December 1924 federal elections.

  2. Arkadi Maslow (russisch Аркадий Маслов, eigentlich Исаак Ефимович Чемеринский Isaak Jefimowitsch Tschemerinski; geboren am 9. März 1891 in Jelisawetgrad; gestorben 20. November 1941 in Havanna) war ein kommunistischer Politiker

  3. Provides a comprehensive overview of various communist groups from the 20s up to the Cold War. Offers readers the first close look at the figure of Arkadij Maslow. Places Maslow's biography within the rich context of the history of dissident communism and revolutionary organization.

  4. Uno de los principales dirigentes del PC Alemán, expulsado en 1927 por su apoyo a la Oposición Unificada rusa. Parti­cipó en la fundación del periódico opositor Volkswille (La Voluntad del Pueblo) y de la Leninbund (Liga Leninista), que durante un breve período estuvo afiliada a la Oposición de Izquierda.

  5. This book is a political biography of Arkadij Maksimovich Maslow (1891-1941), a German Communist politician and later a dissident and opponent to Stalin. Together with his political and common-law marriage partner, Ruth Fischer, Maslow briefly led the Communist Party of Germany, the KPD, and brought about its submission to Moscow.

  6. 19 de feb. de 2022 · El liderazgo del KPD ahora lo asumieron Fischer y Arkadi Maslow, quienes habían criticado constantemente la política del Komintern de buscar unirse en la acción con las fuerzas socialdemócratas. De hecho, la política de frente único en su conjunto fue víctima de la derrota de octubre.

  7. 1 de may. de 2020 · Arkadij Maslow met the young Elfriede Friedländer (18951961), Ruth Fischers original name, in September 1919 in KPD’s press office—either through Paul Frölich and August Thalheimer, or through the writer Franz Jung, also a party member at the time.