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  1. Philip Warren Anderson (Indianápolis, Indiana, 13 de diciembre de 1923-Princeton, Nueva Jersey, 29 de marzo de 2020) [1] fue un doctor en física por la Universidad Harvard en 1949, uno de los físicos más prolíficos y de amplio abanico de los últimos tiempos.

  2. Philip W. Anderson was an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate who made contributions to condensed matter physics, symmetry breaking, and emergent phenomena. He worked at Bell Laboratories, Cambridge University, and Princeton University, and co-founded the Santa Fe Institute.

  3. 1 de may. de 2020 · A tribute to the Nobel laureate who pioneered condensed-matter and particle physics, and proposed the Anderson–Higgs mechanism. Learn about his life, achievements, and contributions to magnetism, superconductivity, electron localization, and more.

  4. Philip Warren Anderson (Indianápolis, 1923- Princeton, 2020) Físico estadounidense. Philip W. Anderson se licenció y doctoró por la Universidad de Harvard, donde fue alumno de John Hasbrouck van Vleck.

  5. 30 de mar. de 2020 · Philip Anderson, a renowned theoretical physicist and emeritus professor at Princeton, died at age 96 on March 29, 2020. He made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of condensed matter, superconductivity, particle physics and emergent phenomena.

  6. A biographical sketch of Philip W. Anderson, the American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1977 for his work on the theory of localization and phase transitions. Learn about his family background, education, research, collaborations, and interests.

  7. 1 de may. de 2020 · Philip Anderson, groundbreaking physicist, died on 29 March at the age of 96. During his prolific career, Anderson launched many major branches of condensed matter physics. He excelled in extracting deep, foundational principles from raw experimental data and designed models that elegantly captured the essence of seemingly ...