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  1. Bernt Balchen, D.F.C., (23 de octubre de 1899-17 de octubre de 1973), fue un geógrafo polar noruegoestadounidense y pionero de la aviación.

  2. Bernt Balchen (23 October 1899 – 17 October 1973) was a Norwegian pioneer polar aviator, navigator, aircraft mechanical engineer and military leader. A Norwegian native, he later became an American citizen and was a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross.

  3. Bernt Balchen, DFC, ( 23 d'octubre de 1899 - 17 d'octubre de 1973) va ser un geògraf polar noruec - nord-americà i pioner de l'aviació. Durant el seu servei en les Forces Aèries de l'Exèrcit dels Estats Units a la Segona Guerra Mundial es va utilitzar la seva experiència àrtica per ajudar les potències aliades a Escandinàvia i nord d' Europa.

  4. Col. Bernt Balchen was America's greatest Arctic expert in modern times. Born in Norway in 1899, he served as a cavalryman in the Finnish Army against the Russians in World War I before becoming a pilot in the Norwegian Naval Air Force in 1921 where he acquired his initial Arctic flying experience.

  5. Bernt Balchen, D.F.C., (23 de octubre de 1899-17 de octubre de 1973), fue un geógrafo polar noruegoestadounidense y pionero de la aviación.

  6. Bernt Balchen. In 1926 helped the Amundsen-Ellsworth-Nobile Expedition prepare to fly the dirigible Norge over the North Pole. Chief pilot of the Byrd Antarctic Expedition in 1929, he navigated a Ford tri-motor over the South Pole.

  7. 10 de ene. de 2019 · Bernt Balchen was a man of many talents and accomplishments. He is most famous as a pioneering aviator and Arctic explorer, but as we have seen, he was also a strategic visionary, artist, and a surprisingly good writer. He is without doubt one of the truly great Norwegians of the 20th century.