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  1. Find the Spanish translation of clerk and its different meanings and uses in English. Learn how to say clerk in Spanish with examples, synonyms, compound forms and related words.

  2. traducir CLERK: administrativo, administrativa, dependiente/ta [masculine-feminine], empleado/da…. Más información en el diccionario inglés-español.

  3. Learn how to say clerk in Spanish with different meanings and contexts. Find examples, phrases, pronunciations and machine translations of clerk in Spanish.

  4. Dictionary English-Spanish. clerk noun (plural: clerks) secretario m (plural: secretarios m) The accounting clerk prepared the report. El secretario de cuentas preparó el informe. empleado m (plural: empleados m) dependiente m (plural: dependientes m) The clerk helped me find a skirt in my size.

  5. clerk. [(British) klɑːk , (US) klɜrk ] sustantivo. 1. (Business) oficinista m or f ⧫ empleado (empleada) m/f. (in civil service) funcionario (funcionaria) m/f. (in bank) empleado (empleada) m/f. (in hotel) recepcionista m or f. (Law) escribano m.

  6. Traducción de 'clerk' en el diccionario gratuito de inglés-español y muchas otras traducciones en español.

  7. Learn how to say clerk in Spanish with different meanings and contexts. Find translations, definitions, examples and pronunciation of clerk in English and Spanish.