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  1. The Symmetry Gallery - A collection of over 120 unique molecules and polyhedra with interactive display of all symmetry elements and animation of all operations. The molecules are organized by point group, so you can select examples to demonstrate particular symmetry elements.

  2. Está diseñada para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender simetría molecular y a ayudar a los profesores a enseñar estos conceptos. Es utilizada por miles de estudiantes y profesores a nivel mundial. Proporciona una larga lista de moléculas y permite visualizar sus elementos y operaciones de simetría.

  3. Symmetry plays an central role in the analysis of the structure, bonding, and spectroscopy of molecules. In this tutorial, we will explore the basic symmetry elements and operations and their use in determining the symmetry classification (point group) of different molecules.

  4. A symmetry operation is an action that leaves an object looking the same after it has been carried out. Each symmetry operation has a corresponding symmetry element, which is the axis, plane, line or …

  5. The collection of symmetry elements present in a molecule forms a “group”, typically called a point group. Why is it called a “point group”? Because all the symmetry elements (points, lines, and planes) will intersect at a single point. So let's look at a specific example, say water.

  6. Symmetry Tutorial - An interactive point group symmetry tutorial. Guides students through all of the symmetry elements and operations, with interactive displays and animations. The Symmetry Gallery - A collection of nearly 70 unique molecules with interactive display of all symmetry elements and animation of all operations.