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  1. Hace 11 horas · Mike Johnson Reminds Crowd In Front Of Courthouse That Obama Wore A Tan Suit Once ... Nikki Haley And Ronnie DeSantis Reenter GOP Race As President And Vice President Duo Saying “Vote For Us We’re Hateful Bigots But Not Convicted ... Trumps Planning Pre-Sentence Trip To Moscow For Visit To His Dear Friend Vladimir Putin, ...

  2. Hace 11 horas · Medford, L.I.: So after 41 months of incessantly lying that he didn’t have the power to close the border, President Biden has now signed an executive order to — drumroll please — close the ...

  3. Hace 11 horas · The Hill reported Saturday that Griffin says she has suffered tremendously for standing valiantly against Bad Orange Man: “One thing that breaks my heart,” the sensitive little shrinking violet and budding professional victim lamented, “is why I would say I’ve lost, probably permanently, about a third of my audience because of the Trump ...

  4. Hace 11 horas · Sebastian Jensen has posted a huge set of graphs on Substack based on nearly 4,000 national IQ and national school achievement test (e.g., PISA) scores from around the world. How have they been changing over time? Changes in relative cognitive performance across nations SEBASTIAN JENSEN JUN 05, 2024 Here's the data for the US. It looks to show a very slight upward trend since 1940, but ...

  5. Hace 1 día · Ospitata inaspettata negli studi di La7.Dopo le polemiche dei giorni scorsi scatenate dalle parole della Premier Giorgia Meloni nei confronti della rete di Urbano Cairo, questa sera, durante il ...

  6. Hace 11 horas · EENS: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (Outside the Church there is no salvation) With fear and trembling, work out your salvation--Phil 2:12Seek the Truth; Find the Way; Live the Life. Please God, and Live Forever. ===== Sarcastic Acronym Hover-Link Footnotes: For the convenience of those readers using devices that lack a mouse, these footnotes are provided for all webpages, in case any webpage ...

  7. Hace 11 horas · Navalny was poisoned with a military nerve agent while on a business trip in Russia in 2020, which he survived. He was arrested on his return to Russia in January 2021 and died in prison on ...