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  1. 19 de jun. de 2024 · En una carta que Darwin escribió en 1879 a su amigo Joseph Hooker, botánico y explorador, le decía: "El aparente rápido desarrollo de todas las plantas superiores en los últimos tiempos...

  2. 18 de jun. de 2024 · During the spring of 1863, he established a reputation as an outstanding administrator and restored the morale of his soldiers through reforms in health and welfare programs. Hooker commanded the Army of the Potomac during Chancellorsville.

  3. 1 de jun. de 2024 · In 1865, a group of 12 scientists under the leadership of Thomas Huxley, Matthew Arnold, Joseph Hooker, and Herbert Spencer (founder of social Darwinism) was created under the name “X Club” with the mandate to reform global British Imperial strategy.

  4. Hace 2 días · “The Army of the Potomac’s cavalry received a much-needed reorganization when Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker assumed command of the Union’s largest army in the winter of 1863, transforming from a collection of mounted brigades to a formal Cavalry Corps. Most important perhaps, Hooker infused his horsemen with a new mission.

  5. Hace 3 días · When, the advantages of the enemy's position are considered, and his preponderating numbers, the forcing of the passage of South Mountain will be classed among the most brilliant and satisfactory achievements of this army, and its principal glory will be awarded to the First Corps.

  6. Hace 2 días · President Abraham Lincoln initially prodded Major General Joseph Hooker to move his Union forces in pursuit of Lee, but relieved Hooker of his command just three days before the battle, replacing him with Meade.

  7. 19 de jun. de 2024 · One of those conspirators was Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker, who was appointed to command the Army of the Potomac on January 26, 1863. Hooker, who had an excellent record as a corps commander in previous campaigns, spent the remainder of the winter reorganizing and resupplying his army, paying special attention to health and morale issues.