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  1. Hace 5 días · Textos de san Josemaría sobre los misterios gozosos. 1. La Anunciación. 2. La Visitación de la Virgen María a su prima Santa Isabel. 3. El nacimiento de Jesús en Belén. 4. La purificación de María y la Presentación del Niño.

  2. Hace 5 días · Gospel for Tuesday in the 8th Week of Ordinary Time, and commentary. Peter began to say to Jesus, “Lo, we have left everything and followed you.”. Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a ...

  3. Hace 4 días · The first two verses of the Bible read: ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters ’ ( Gen 1:1-2). The Spirit of God appears to us here as the mysterious power that moves the world ...

  4. Hace 4 días · On the 29th November 2005 Lateline from the ABC has conducted a special report into Opus Dei translated to God’s work which has been under intense negative spotlight since the release of Dan Brown’s worldwide best selling book entitled: ‘The Da Vinci Code’. The goal of Opus Dei is to have: “Christ as the head for all human activities and to spread the universal call to holiness.”

  5. Hace 1 día · The art of living together is closely related to the ability to ask for forgiveness and to forgive. We are all weak and often make mistakes. So we have to help each other to always get up again. And the best way to do so is often through forgiveness. An article by Jutta Burggraf. Fostering Interior Life 05/30/2024.

  6. Hace 5 días · 4 St. Gregory the Great, Homily 5 on the Gospel. 5 St. Peter Damian, Sermon 9. 6 St. Josemaría, Conversations, no. 58. 7 Pope Francis, Angelus, 11-X-2015. 8 St. Josemaría, Notes from a family gathering, 13-IV-1974. 9 St. Josemaría, Notes from a family gathering, 19-XI-1972. Some reflections that can assist our prayer during the eighth week ...

  7. Hace 4 días · El Papa Francisco ha comenzado este miércoles un nuevo ciclo de catequesis. En la primera ha explicado cómo es el Espíritu Santo el que guía a la Iglesia, su Esposa, y al pueblo de Dios. Queridos hermanos y hermanas, ¡buenos días! Hoy, con esta catequesis, iniciamos un ciclo de reflexiones con el tema "El Espíritu y la Esposa —la ...