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  1. Hace 4 días · QUE ES CHOCOLATEY. Chocolatey es un gestor de paquetes para Windows, similar a los gestores de paquetes apt, dnf, pacman, rpm, etc que se encuentran instalados en sistemas operativos basados en Unix. Por lo tanto el gestor de paquetes Chocolatey facilita la instalación, actualización y administración de software en el sistema operativo ...

  2. Hace 4 días · This tutorial will show you how to check the current version of Windows Package Manager (WinGet) you have installed in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The winget command line tool enables users to discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers...

  3. Hace 5 días · Prerequisites I have written a descriptive issue title. I have searched all issues/PRs to ensure it has not already been reported or fixed. I have verified that I am using the latest version of Scoop and corresponding bucket. Package Nam...

  4. Hace 5 días · You can also install Zig from a package manager. There is a JSON version of this page. Files are signed with minisign using this public key: RWSGOq2NVecA2UPNdBUZykf1CCb147pkmdtYxgb3Ti+JO/wCYvhbAb/U

  5. Hace 3 días · npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. It consists of a command line client, also called npm, and an online database of public and paid-for private packages, called the npm registry.

  6. Hace 5 días · Easy install. The easiest way to install Windows Build Tools is by using the binary xPack, available as @xpack-dev-tools/windows-build-tools from the registry. Prerequisites. The only requirement is a recent xpm, which is a portable Node.js command line application. To install it, follow the instructions from the xpm install page. Install

  7. Hace 6 días · For npm and npm-compatible package managers, the jsr command will add the dependency to your package.json file, along with a .npmrc file to your project root with the necessary config to use JSR with npm. Learn more about JSR’s npm compatibility layer.